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Sourdough Starter

What’s the big deal with sourdough, anyway?! Well, I like to think of it as historical first. Our ancestors baked bread for their families without the convenience of “rapid rise“ yeast packets. How did they do it? Many of them had sourdough “starters” that had been passed down through potentially generations! It’s mind boggling. To think that there is enough yeast just floating around in the air for us to “capture” and keep alive and then use to make food with. There are a few people that I have found to be so informative on this subject as well as so much more; Lisa at, Jill at, and Mary Jane Butters of Mary Janes’s Farm -a magazine that I have enjoyed for years (thanks Erin! ♥️). I do not feel equal to them when it comes to sourdough knowledge, but I will share my experiences in hopes that it will inspire you..just as these ladies have inspired me. ☺️

You’ll need a glass bowl (or jar), a wooden spoon, a tea towel, unbleached flour (all purpose or whole grain wheat), and filtered water. It is not recommended to use metal, as the metal can interact with the beneficial bacteria and yeasts that you want.

Day 1: mix 1 cup flour and 1 cup water in your glass bowl or jar. Stir vigorously. Cover with a clean tea towel and let sit for 24 hours.

Day 2: discard half of the mixture then repeat day 1 process (add 1 cup flour, 1 cup water, stir vigorously, cover).

Day 3: repeat day 2 instructions

Day 4: repeat day 2 instructions

Day 5: repeat day 2 instructions

Day 6: repeat day 2 instructions but feed twice daily- every 12 hours. Day 7: repeat day 2 instructions but feed twice daily- every 12 hours.

At this point, your starter should bubble and double in size when you feed it.

You can store your sourdough starter in the fridge for occasional use. Otherwise, if left at room temperature, you will need to feed it at least daily to keep it alive. So, you better be using it a lot! I keep mine in the fridge. You just have to think ahead to pull it out, feed it and allow it to come to room temperature and “wake up” before you can use it. You will know when it’s active and ready.

What about this yucky watery layer on top?!

When left in the fridge unfed, your starter will develop what’s called hooch on top..just pour this off down the drain, stir up the starter, feed it and keep going. This is something that happens when your starter is “hungry”. I don’t make these rules! 😏

It’s okay..just pour it off, really. Then go on with your life. 😊

Okay, and for a recipe..I’m going to share one from Lisa at

(I always half this recipe and it makes several pancakes)

Sourdough Pancakes

  • 2 cups sourdough starter

  • 2 eggs

  • 4 Tbsp melted coconut oil (1/4 cup)

  • 2 Tbsp honey

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp baking soda (add last, batter will foam up)

Combine all ingredients, adding the baking soda last. Enjoy the bubbling action as the baking soda interacts with your sourdough yeasts. ☺️

Preheat cast iron skillet on medium heat, add a little coconut oil or butter. Wait until the skillet is nice and hot before adding your pancake batter. Try to only flip once, wait until top is covered in bubbles before flipping over. Let other side cook until done. With a well-seasoned, pre-heated cast iron skillet, the pancake will easily let go when done but probably not before. Serve with plenty of butter and maple syrup!

yum!! Seriously, I love these pancakes. Have fun with sourdough, guys! Let me know your experiences! 😊

With love,

Summer ☀️



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